Family Connections, Inc. works with several private insurance companies to provide mental health therapy for children, teens, adults, couples and families. Please contact the Directors of Family Connections, for more information regarding the acceptance of your insurance.

Private Insurance Services
Medicaid Individual and Family Therapy
In addition to Mental Health Provider evaluations and Behavioral Health Intervention Services (BHIS), Family Connections also has the capacity to accept therapy cases funded through Nebraska Medicaid and Iowa Medicaid (Managed Care Organizations: Iowa Total Care, Iowa Medicaid Enterprise and Amerigroup) for in-office therapy for children and parents, teens, adults and couples. These services are designed to address each client’s individual therapeutic needs through individual and family mental health therapy. Again, any child or adult who is Medicaid eligible may be eligible for in-office mental health therapy services with one of Family Connections Licensed Mental Health Providers.
Anger Management
Family Connections recognizes there are obstacles and stresses in life that can cause us to be angry. Sometimes we find it difficult to control our anger or to find the right ways to express our anger to others. Family Connections is here to help. Family Connections Anger Management Programs offer anger management classes for youth, teens, and adults that address relevant topics such as:
- How to Tame Your Dragon
We all have a “dragon” inside….some of us are just better at “taming” it than others. Come and join a group of your peers(children and teens) to learn new ways to “tame your dragon” and how to deal with it when someone “unleashes” their “dragon” on you. Please contact us at 712.256.4420 for further details on class dates, time, and availability.
- Boiling Point
Learn skills to “turn down the heat” on your anger and find new ways to cope with difficult situations. Family Connections. Boiling Point Anger Management class for adults meets weekly for six weeks to address issues related to your anger, its triggers, and how to deal with it in your life. Please contact us at 712.256.4420 for further details on class dates, times, and availability.
Parent/Foster Parent/Caregiver Training Classes
Family Connections, Inc. offers parents/foster parents/caregivers a class to teach strategies for effectively dealing with problem issues that may be present in their home with their children. Family Connections, Inc. provides effective techniques for helping to empower parents/foster parents/caregivers to be more effective in discipline and overall parenting. This course is available for groups and for individuals. Please contact Family Connections, Inc. for more information or for any questions you may have on this class.

Behavioral Health Intervention Services
These skill building in-home services are available to a child and their family who are Iowa Medicaid eligible. A child is referred by a current provider, a social worker, Juvenile Court Officer, a parent or guardian, or foster parent for an evaluation by a Licensed Mental Health Provider. If the evaluation finds a diagnosable mental health condition, the Licensed Mental Health Provider can refer that child and their family for Behavioral Health Intervention Services. Any child who is Iowa Medicaid eligible and has a diagnosed mental health condition is eligible to participate in BHI Services.
Independent of the Iowa Department of Human Services, BHI Services are designed to help a child and their family learn skills that will help alleviate the symptoms of that child’s mental health condition that are presenting barriers to their level of functioning.
BHI Services are ordered by the Licensed Mental Health Provider and provided by a Family Connections, Inc. BHI Services provider. While the Licensed Mental Health Provider evaluations are in-office, any BHI Services ordered can be provided in the client’s home. Family Connections provides an ease in transition from an evaluation to BHI Services by providing both services.
Medication Management
Private Pay Therapy
With approval from the Executive Directors of Family Connections, clients who are not Medicaid eligible or who are without accepted private insurance may be eligible for therapy services at a predetermined rate. Please contact the Directors of Family Connections, for more information regarding these services.